Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism

World of Drones Congress 2019, Brisbane, Australia

ALADDIN partner KEMEA – Center for Security Studies attended the World of Drones Congress 2019, that was held at the Brisbane (Australia) Convention & Exhibition Centre from 26 to 27 September 2019. Delegates from across the Asia Pacific and beyond attended this congress which featured a fascinating Expo with over 30 exhibitors from Australia, China and Japan, etc. Focusing on driving the drone industry through business and innovation, WoDC 2019 connects drone leaders, businesses and academia with the latest industry developments, applications and policies. The Congress gave the opportunity to every participant to connect, collaborate and co-create with domestic and international UAV business representatives, drone pilots, manufacturers, application developers, researchers and more. The session on Unmanned Traffic Management & Counter-Drone Capabilities was an opportunity for ALADDIN’s partner KEMEA to present to a world audience the EC-funded ALADDIN project as a possible solution to the threat of malicious drones: “European Union’s initiative to mitigate the threat of malicious drones and introduce a complete counter-drone solution via R&D – George Kampas”.