Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism

Security Research Event 2018, Belgium

ALADDIN partner attended Security Research Event (SRE) 2018 which was co-organized by the European Commission and the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology. SRE 2018 demonstrated the strength and inspiring results of security-related research and innovation activities and how these positively contribute to the work being conducted on a daily basis by thousands of security practitioners.
The Security Research Event (SRE) consisted of two interrelated parts:

  • A Conference in which the main challenges related to the theme of the event was addressed;
  • An Exhibition that concretely supported the conference’s theme, featuring around 50 projects showcasing their results.

Diginext (DXT), as the coordinator of ALADDIN project exploited this opportunity of networking activity with plenty of key security stakeholders, such as researchers, industry representatives, public security providers, practitioners and as well as policymakers from across Europe.