Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism


The ALADDIN platform will be demonstrated and evaluated in relevant environments to assess its effectiveness using multiple scenarios in different operational conditions. These evaluation pilot series will be run twice during the project’s lifetime after each main release and after the evaluating operators have been trained.

The ALADDIN consortium has secured access to an exceptional set of pilot sites and resources to ensure the successful demonstration of the project outcomes under the best circumstances attainable. The primary sites for pilots are:

  • Spain: An “open field” test flight centre with 1000 square kilometers of segregated airspace until 5000 ft. offering telemetry and primary surveillance radar facilities in Jaen. Learn more
  • Greece: An “urbanised zone” for multi-purpose training and technology testing within built environments for LEAs and Emergency Responders. Learn more

More sites are also available to the consortium and will be exploited if needed. Many partners are already at the forefront on the topic of C-UAV research and will bring to the project a number of valuable resources for training and demonstration, including:

  • privileged access to various facilities and critical infrastructure buildings (police buildings, prisons, power plants, drinking water infrastructures, highways, dams, airport terminals, and hospitals)
  • large number of UAVs and accredited drone pilots
  • vast availability of LEA personnel.

Pilots scenarios explored by ALADDIN may concern the following topics and involve one or several rogue UAVs:

  • Urban protection: protection of a fixed area or a building within an urban environment to prevent UAVs from entering its perimeter for smuggling drugs, firearms or other hazardous substances.
  • Outdoor event: protection of a site that becomes a target for (individual or mass) attacks through a scheduled event such as a ceremony or a VIP visit.
  • Airport: disruption of an attack to an airport or the disturbance of a plane taking off or landing – an airport area imposes restrictions on the types of technology that can be employed to avoid interference with airport’s operation.
  • Power plant, drinking water treatment plant: protection of a fixed site in rural locations with much larger perimeters than urban sites, but less restrictions on the neutralization effectors.