Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism


The second Pilot exercises will be performed to evaluate and demonstrate the second release of the ALADDIN platform (final release). As representative of ‘urban’ use case, these exercises will be performed at KEMEA’s test-bed facilities at Markopoulo, Greece.

The “Markopoulo Training Facility” is located just outside the city of Markopoulo, Greece, close to the “Eleftherios Venizelos” International Airport. This centre is used for training purposes by the Hellenic Police and made available to the ALADDIN project for the pilots. Τhe area can be used as a “Multi-purpose Training and Technology Test Bed Facility” for LEAS and Emergency Responders since it provides controlled and safe environment for both testing and validation. There are two major constructions – a block of buildings and the tiers that can be used for simulating a sport/event mass gathering exercise. The location has preinstalled CCTV cameras, telephone network and Ethernet cables (Internet).

As representative of ‘open field’ use case an additional test site may be selected in a rural environment close to the Markopoulo Training Facility.

In Pilot 1 you find a description of the first Pilot exercises to evaluate and demonstrate the beta release of the ALADDIN platform.

ALADDIN test-sites for the Pilots: Markopoulo Training Facility (Greece)

ALADDIN test-sites for the Pilots: Markopoulo Training Facility (Greece)