Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism


The ALADDIN consortium consists of 18 European partners, comprising both technical partners (industrial companies, small-medium enterprises, research centers and academic institutes) and end-user representatives of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and critical infrastructure operators.

The consortium is supported by external and internal boards.

The current participants come from 9 European nations:

  • France (DXT, CS, MC2, HGH, MIF with its linked third-party CIVIPOL),
  • Spain (FADA, ACCI, ADM),
  • Italy (IDS, MIPS),
  • Greece (CERTH, KEMEA),
  • Poland (PIAP, SIRC),
  • Germany (Fraunhofer IDMT),
  • Belgium (VUB),
  • Portugal (PJ)
  • UK (CAST).

Geographical distribution of the ALADDIN Consortium Partners