Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism

Launch of ALADDIN Project announced on IDS website

The start of the H2020 ALADDIN project is announced on IDS website. The Italian company IDS – Ingegneria dei Sistemi is one of 18 Partners involved in the project’s implementation. IDS plays the challenging role of leading the technical work package on Detection, Localisation & Classification and developing an upgraded radar sensor with enhanced functionalities and features. IDS’ Radar Laboratory and its Radar System Division will exploit their leading edge expertise in the design and manufacturing of radars for the detection and classification of unmanned aerial vehicles as already applied in the development of the IDS Black Knight UAV-detection system. Within the ALADDIN project, IDS also leads the dissemination and exploitation work package, including the development and maintenance of the ALADDIN official website.