Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism
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Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

ALADDIN will study, design, develop and evaluate a counter UAV system as a complete solution to the growing UAV threat problem, building upon a state-of-the-art system and enhancing it by researching on various technologies and functionalities.

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Unprecedented fast situational awareness and decision making by operators

The innovative command and control (C2) of ALADDIN C-UAV system, managing the seamless operation of all sub-systems and exploiting Mixed Reality cartographic and Augmented Reality components, will speed-up the operators' localization of the target in 3D space even in adverse visual conditions.

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Innovative curricula, training and demonstrations for the EU-wide take-up of new C-UAV technologies

Innovative curricula and engaging training sessions, exploiting the ALADDIN simulation capacities, will explain issues related to the UAV threat and prepare end users to efficiently run the exercises and demonstrations during the pilots

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A seamless, tightly integrated system for countering malicious drones

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End Users (Law Enforcement Agencies and Infrastructure constructors and operators) have a central role in the overall process/project

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Two incremental releases of the counter-drone system tested in operational scenarios by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs)

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The first Pilot was performed to evaluate and demonstrate the first release of the ALADDIN platform (beta release). These experiments took place in CATEC’s ATLAS test centre, in Villacarrillo, Jaen, Spain.

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The second Pilot will be performed to evaluate and demonstrate the second release of the ALADDIN platform (final release). These exercises will be performed at KEMEA’s test-bed facilities at Markopoulo, Greece.

Special Issue on C-UAV technologies
Special Issue on C-UAV technologies
ALADDIN presentation to DG HOME CoU
ALADDIN presentation to DG HOME CoU
ALADDIN project was presented to ILEAnet practitioners
ALADDIN project was presented to ILEAnet practitioners
YouTube video
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