Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism

Eurosatory 2018

Eurosatory 2018


11/06/2018 - 15/06/2018    


Paris - Nord-Villepinte
54 Avenue des Nations, Paris

Event Type

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ALADDIN was present at Eurosatory 2018, the international land and airland Defence and Security exhibition, which took place in June 2018 in Paris-Nord Villepinte (France). The exhibition, with its rich offer of associated events, outdoor live demonstrations, thematic Conferences and Workshops, allowed the ALADDIN partners to disseminate the initial progresses of this H2020 Security Project and to introduce the ALADDIN Counter-UAV concept to a variety of attendees, including operational staff, manufacturers, media, experts, think tanks and high officials. Contacts with potential stakeholders helped to enlarge the ALADDIN User Group and collect useful insights for fine-tuning and future exploitation of the ALADDIN Counter-UAV system.