Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism

Drone-vs-Bird Detection Challenge at IEEE AVSS2019

ALADDIN partner, CERTH took part in the 2nd International Workshop on Small-Drone Surveillance, Detection and Counteraction Techniques (WOSDETC 2019 @AVSS) drone vs bird challenge which was in conjunction with the AVSS 2019 conference.  CERTH took the 2nd place in the challenge with their published paper “Does Deep Super-Resolution Enhance UAV Detection?”. The detailed results of the challenge have been published on a conference paper with title “Drone-vs-Bird Detection Challenge at IEEE AVSS2019” and it are published by IEEE, the issue release date is 2019-11-25 and the abstract is presented below. More information regarding this paper could be found here . For more public reports and publications follow this link.

Abstract: This paper presents the second edition of the “drone-vs-bird” detection challenge, launched within the activities of the 16-th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS). The challenge’s goal is to detect one or more drones appearing at some point in video sequences where birds may be also present, together with motion in background or foreground. Submitted algorithms should raise an alarm and provide a position estimate only when a drone is present, while not issuing alarms on birds, nor being confused by the rest of the scene. This paper reports on the challenge results on the 2019 dataset, which extends the first edition dataset provided by the SafeShore project with additional footage under different conditions.