Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification & Neutralization

Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation
in the context of fight against crime and terrorism

ALADDIN partner at World ATM Congress 2019, Madrid, Spain

ALADDIN partner IDS – Ingegneria Dei Sistemi attended the World ATM Congress 2019, the foremost event in Air Traffic Management (ATM) sector, held in Madrid, on 12 – 14 March 2019. IDS participation at WATM-19 was an opportunity to display IDS range of aeronautical data management solutions for ATM as well as to introduce its NO-DRONE, an integrated system aimed for detecting, tracking, identifying and classifying cooperative and non-cooperative drones flying in the proximity of airports. The system features the 2D radar at the base of ALADDIN drone detection and tracking component, along with other complimentary technology and simulation tools for deployment support in the airport environment.